Discover how corporate alumni networks are transforming talent acquisition and boosting business growth, as revealed in The Josh Bersin Company's latest research.
Among the factors determining a company's success, the role of people remains the highest. But hiring practices have changed. Here's some reasons how.
The rise of the boomerang employee can be a major threat - or an opportunity. It’s up to employers to minimize the former while capitalizing on the latter.
Organizations face significant challenges as employees demand more from employers. As social beings, we need to feel valued and recognized for our work.
We spoke to 1500 people about their former employers and how they'd feel about doing business with them. Here's what they told us.
Alumni networks let companies tap into the value of former employees, driving down recruitment costs, increasing productivity and creating brand value.
Stay ahead with these HR statistics and trends for 2023, covering HR's key issues, from employee engagement to retention.
The 2020 Alumni Research report presents the value of an Alumni program to organizations across three core pillars: Organizational, Recruiting & Sales.
Corporate Alumni Engagement survey asked large organizations and their former employees what drives engagement and value in an Alumni Network
Despite the high rate of churn in the labor market today, many companies pay scant attention to offboarding employees, and that´s a mistake.
Download the Bersin HR Technology 2021 report where EnterpriseAlumni featured as an integrated solution for the management of alumni.
The 2020 Alumni Research report identifies the significant reduction in cost, time to fill and time to productivity of hiring your former employees
Insight study into the business value of an Alumni program and the various outcomes are looking to achieve from their community
Discover the latest HR predictions for 2022 from industry expert Josh Bersin, and learn how to adapt and thrive in the ever-changing world of HR.