7 reasons to hire back the right former employees

by Sharon Florentine

Published: September 22, 2015

Recently, CIO Magazine recognized the importance of Alumni Associations and wrote a piece entitled ‘7 reasons to hire back the right former employees.’

Citing information from a 2015 Kronos study about changing mindsets, the survey of more than 1,800 human resources professionals and employees acknowledges that employee engagement should not end once the working relationship is over – that the value of an Alumni Association to connect high-performing alumni and organizations with a strong corporate culture.

The practice of re-hiring employees who left your organization no longer carries the same stigma it once did.

In the past five years, 85 percent of HR professionals say they have received job applications from former employees, and 40 percent say their organization hired about half of those former employees who applied.

Alumni Association Values: 7 Key Messages

  1. High performers get priority: rehire those who left your company in good standing.
  2. Choose wisely: be selective and remember, sometimes you need a fresh perspective as much as alumni.
  3. Reduced onboarding: former employees don’t need as much training as new employees.
  4. Reducing risk: if employees are already comfortable with the culture, they can be more productive on their first day.
  5. Sending the right message: rehires can be a morale boost.
  6. Have an alumni strategy: if you want to maintain the relationship, you need a strategy to do so.
  7. Start early: long before an employee becomes alumni, the platform and strategy need to be in place.

The Alumni Community has provided clear insights into the motivations and values they see in joining their prior employers Alumni Association alongside the extended values our customers see in addition to recruiting.


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